Retailers are under constant pressure to diversify and emphasise their product offering through a health lens. However, differentiating “healthier” products is highly complex, requiring data-led nutrition and demanding attention from regulatory framework, nutritional guidelines, and product label knowledge.
Feature Posts
One of the most important aspects of a food retailer’s site is its search functionality. Without a robust system in place, you inhibit your customers’ ability to shop for the products they need. With the correct indexing customers can find what they’re looking for with ease.
Learn how Spoon Guru’s health-based segmentation empowers retailers to deliver highly personalized omnichannel experiences that drive customer loyalty, satisfaction, and healthier shopping habits by aligning with individual dietary preferences and restrictions. This is the final instalment of our 3-part blog series on personalization.
In the second of our personalization series, discover how Spoon Guru’s health-based segmentation helps retailers gain deeper insights into customer dietary habits, enabling them to deliver tailored experiences, foster loyalty, and encourage healthier purchasing behaviors. This is the second in our 3-part blog series on personalization.
Personalized nutrition is reshaping the way we shop. Here’s how Spoon Guru’s advanced health scoring system helps retailers to offer tailored recommendations that improve customer experiences and boost loyalty. This is the first of a 3-part blog series on personalization.
Spoon Guru’s Head of Health and Sustainability suggests we take heed, pause, reflect and commend this monumental piece of work.
Is it possible to make healthier foods, like vegetables, more appealing by applying visual characteristics associated with fattier foods?
Like many adults, kids are snacking more and moving less. The problem is of epidemic proportions and my concern is that with this behavior, their immunity will become even weaker and whether its during the next flu season, or worse – another pandemic, even more lives will be at risk.
While the new UK’s HFSS legislation may be new, the call to help improve people’s health and quality of life by reducing instances of obesity is not.